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Epos Athletes supports the health, safety, and wellness of student-athletes throughout communities nationwide. Impacting, Inspiring & Igniting passion in our youth. Balancing education, sports, and life circumstances to take hold of an incredible future.  Epos brings a combination of classroom and field time to work on the Total Athlete.

Classroom Schedule:

End Zone (Branding/Marketing) – Social media “influencers” aren’t the only ones who have a “brand” to maintain.  Learning multiple digital platforms and the importance of how to build a personal brand.  A personal brand is a marketing strategy to promote yourself and your career. Creating your personal brand considering your unique talents, skills and goals that distinguish you from your peers. Understanding how to create a personal brand can help you manage your professional image and market your skills and experiences to attract potential schools and employment.

Team Leader (Leadership)- “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” Helping teenagers work on their personal skills, self-esteem, logical reasoning, accountability, goal setting and understanding of others.

Win All Day (Life Coaches)- Life Coaches bring the importance of developing character and healthy relationships through social and emotional learning. Promoting balanced mental well-being of each young athlete.

Taking the Charge (Mental Toughness) – 90% of all games are Won by Fierce Mental Toughness.  Epos’s Mental Toughness program helps student-athletes develop a high-performance mindset to build confidence, focus, perseverance, and determination. Training and Competing at their best while being able to bounce back from setbacks. on any given day.

Interception (Teen Issues)- Tackling tough teen issues they face every day including Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Self-Harm, Suicide, Bullying, and Depression.

Playbook (Health & Fitness) – Epos’s youth wellness program Ignites excitement back into physical fitness and healthy lifestyle.  Through speed/agility classes, daily exercise, and nutrition education gives positive reinforcement for youth to follow a great playbook.  Ensuring each young athlete is fueling their body to keep it from tearing down while boosting their self-esteem. This new level of confidence carries over into other areas of their life outside of sports.

 Home Run (Inspiring Change) – Instills in student-athletes the importance of social responsibility. Striving to develop student-athletes who are leaders and role models in the community by emphasizing the importance of giving back. Through self-advocacy, being a positive member of a community and positive peer-to-peer/adult interaction, we help student-athletes become better prepared for college and beyond, all while garnering confidence along their journey.

Winning Match (Education & Economic Opportunities) – Presenting Education & Economic Opportunity for young adults.  Maneuvering through work programs, grants, standardized testing, and scholarships available for college and vocational schools.  Focusing on different career paths outside of sports and community service opportunities.

Ground Ball (We Believe You) – Epos launched this program to let each and every teen know that “We Believe You”.  Giving way to open raw conversations about domestic abuse & sexual assaults. Providing support through licensed counselors to help overcome the trauma left behind in the wake of these horrific crimes. Educating on sexual assault & human trafficking prevention tactics.